
In this article, I’ll show you how to build and configure an OCI Generative AI Chatbot with PyCharm and RAG on Windows. This knowledge will also help you get ready for the OCI 2024 Generative AI Professional Certification and Course from Oracle.

Note this blog builds on concepts found in the fantastic OCI 2024 Generative AI Professional Certification and Course. I added additional steps to resolve issues I encountered following the guides.

The course describes how to use IDEs to build LLM applications through their GitHub Repository. This article explains the configuration of PyCharm with examples, whilst my other publication explains how to set up Jupyter notebooks.

Note on WSL: I had to rework this article because I wanted to use PyCharm on my WSL since I already had Python set up there for Web Scraping. However, it became apparent that PyCharm will only configure a WSL Interpreter when using the PyCharm Professional version. Therefore, this article is for PyCharm Community Edition.

Note on OCI Regions: According to the documentation, at the time of writing, Text Generational Models are only available in the US Midwest (Chicago). The code examples in this article will only work in the US Midwest (Chicago). My region is Germany Central (Frankfurt) and only supports Chat. I have, however, adapted the scripts somewhat to Chat Models (see the final section). If you want to read more about this, I recommend reading this discussion.

This guide is for Windows, you’ll need to adapt this for a different OS.

Setup OCI key

1. Press Windows Key + R and type %USERPROFILE%

A screen showing the command.

2. Create a new folder named .oci

3. In OCI, Click Profile > My Profile

A screen showing the settings.

4. Click API Keys > Add API Key > Download API Key

5. Don’t touch anything in OCI yet

6. Copy the file to the %USERPROFILE%\.oci folder you’ve just created

7. Back in OCI, click Add

8. Don’t touch anything in OCI yet. Keep the window open

9. Copy the info from OCI to the clipboard

A screen showing the preview.

10. Save the contents of the clipboard to a new file called %USERPROFILE%\.oci\config

11. Change the last line to (change as necessary):


My folder looks like this:

A screen showing the folder.

Setup PyCharm

1. Download and install Visual C++ Build tools

2. Modify the installation by selecting this workload:

A screen showing the workflow.

3. Install Python. In Windows, drop into a command line (press the Windows key and type cmd) the then type:


4. Download & Install PyCharm Community Edition

5. Run PyCharm

6. Optional/Recommended: Go to Plugin Marketplace, search Dracula, and click Install to install the Dracula theme (because it’s easy to work with and also really cool!)

A screen showing the theme.

7. Create a new Project. You can tick Create a welcome script

A screen showing the project.

8. Test Python by running the script using the green play/run button in the top middle of the picture. It will say Hi PyCharm in the output window

A screen showing the commands.

9. Next to the run button, it says main. Change this to Current File

A screen showing the button.

10. Click Terminal

A screen showing the terminal.

11. Paste in the following to install the dependencies in the terminal box:

pip install oci
pip install oracle-ads
pip install langchain
pip install chromadb
pip install faiss-cpu 
pip install streamlit 
pip install python-multipart 
pip install pydantic 
pip install pypdf
# Matts Additions
pip install langchain_community

Test OCI package

You will now test the OCI package which you have just installed.

1. Create a file in your .venv folder called and paste in the following:

import oci

# Load the default configuration
config = oci.config.from_file()

# Initialize the IdentityClient with the configuration
identity = oci.identity.IdentityClient(config)

# Fetch and print user details to verify the connection
user = identity.get_user(config["user"]).data
print("User details: ", user)

2. Run the file using Shif+F10. If it works, you should see some JSON like this:

  "inactive_status": null,
  "is_mfa_activated": true,
  "last_successful_login_time": "2024-06-14T08:54:58.148000+00:00",
  "lifecycle_state": "ACTIVE",
  "name": "",
  "previous_successful_login_time": null,
  "time_created": "2022-11-01T14:50:28.449000+00:00"

Process finished with exit code 0

Configure Chatbot Code

1. Download the repository as a .zip file – click this link

2. Unzip the contents to your .venv folder

3. Right-click the project and choose Reload from Disk

A screen showing the project.

It should look like this:

An image showing the project.

4. Download some PDFs. I’m using a simple PDF like this (Yes, I do own all these consoles)

An image showing the PDF.

5. Add them to the new pdf-docs folder, which should be a sub-folder of module4

An image showing the folders.

6. Open

7. Change the URL (Chicago, Frankfurt or other) and the Compartment ID

A screen showing the settings.

If you don’t know how to obtain the Compartment, it should be visible in Playground > View Code > Python

8. Run the file and check you have a non-zero number of documents loaded into chromadb

A screen showing the settings.

Note: You get this warning because, as of Chroma version 0.4.x, documents are automatically persisted, and the manual persist() method is deprecated. Therefore you can remove the persist() code or ignore this.

9. Run the Chroma server:

A screen showing the command.

chroma run --path .venv\ou-generativeai-pro-main\demos\module4\chromadb

10. Open in PyCharm

11. Change the two occurrences of URL (Chicago, Frankfurt or other) and the Compartment ID

A screen showing the settings.

12. Open another Terminal (use the + button) – i.e., keep the Chroma server running

13. Start the chatbot and hit Enter when it asks for your email

A screen showing the settings.

14. Use this code to start your Chatbot

streamlit run .venv\ou-generativeai-pro-main\demos\module4\

A screen showing the results.

15. Ask it…

What consoles does Matt Mulvaney own?

16. ENJOY!

17. If you see this error… then Text Generation is not available in your Model. Therefore read the next section on Streamlit Chatting

A screen showing the error message.

Note: You can also run examples from the Playground. Here’s an example of me asking what Nintendo Wii is:

A screen showing the query.

Streamlit Chatting

Note: Only do this if you hit the error above and want to use Streamlit with the Chatting Service in Frankfurt or Chicago

Note: this code sample does not use memory for conversation history or Chroma for RAG. You are very welcome to provide improvements to this code (just drop me a line at, and I will update this article.

1. Create a file in your .venv folder called

2. Paste in the following. You have to change the:

  • Model ID: Click View Model Details and then copy the OCID

A screen showing the settings.

  • Compartment ID: It should be visible in Playground > View Code > Python
import streamlit as st
import oci

# Step 1: Initialize OCI Generative AI Inference Client
def create_chain():
    config = oci.config.from_file('~/.oci/config', 'DEFAULT')
    endpoint = ""
    generative_ai_inference_client = oci.generative_ai_inference.GenerativeAiInferenceClient(
        timeout=(10, 240)

    def invoke_chat(user_message):
        chat_request = oci.generative_ai_inference.models.CohereChatRequest()
        chat_request.message = user_message
        chat_request.max_tokens = 600
        chat_request.temperature = 1
        chat_request.frequency_penalty = 0
        chat_request.top_p = 0.75
        chat_request.top_k = 0

        chat_detail = oci.generative_ai_inference.models.ChatDetails()
        chat_detail.serving_mode = oci.generative_ai_inference.models.OnDemandServingMode(
            model_id="[MODEL ID]"
        chat_detail.chat_request = chat_request
        chat_detail.compartment_id = "[COMPARTMENT]"

        chat_response =
        return chat_response  # Return the whole chat_response object

    return invoke_chat

# Step 2: Define Streamlit UI
if __name__ == "__main__":
    chain = create_chain()

    st.subheader("Pretius: Chatbot powered by OCI Generative AI Service")
    user_input = st.text_input("Ask me a question")

    if user_input:
        bot_response = chain(user_input)
        if bot_response.status == 200:
            # Ensure bot_response is correctly accessed based on actual structure
            chat_response =  # Assuming chat_response is within data attribute
            if chat_response:
                st.write("Question: ", user_input)
                st.write("Answer: ", chat_response.text)  # Adjust based on actual structure
                st.write("Unexpected response format from OCI Generative AI Service.")
            st.write("Error communicating with OCI Generative AI Service.")

3. Start the Chatbot

streamlit run .venv\ou-generativeai-pro-main\demos\module4\

4. Enjoy your Chatbot

A screen showing the result.

To Deploy the Chatbot, read the OU ChatBot Setup-V1.pdf document found in the module4 folder.


And that’s about it for this article. If you run into any questions, you can contact me on X (@Matt_Mulvaney) or write me at Also, if you’re interested in AI-related topics, there are several publications about this subject on the Pretius blog, so check them out:

  1. Use Jupyter Notebook for OCI Generative AI in the Cloud
  2. AI in software testing: Can Pretius OpenAI Reviewer help you with test automation?
  3. Biscuits+ChatGPT: Using AI to generate Oracle APEX Theme Roller Styles
  4. AI code review – We’ve tried OpenAI at our company, and here’s what we’ve learned

