Build an OCI GenAI chatbot with PyCharm & RAG, and get ready for passing the Generative AI Professional Certification by Oracle

APEX 24.1 Working Copies – An in-depth look at one of the platform’s coolest features 

Keycloak tutorial: Learn how to use this technology’s advanced features

Use Jupyter Notebook for OCI Generative AI in the Cloud

Angular MVVM, MVC, CBA – A look at different approaches to application architecture

Oracle APEX packaged applications – What are they, and how to use them for your benefit

A beginner’s guide to using Chart Patterns in Oracle APEX

Computer Vision use cases: Practical examples based on Pretius experience

Oracle APEX deprecated APIs: How to spot them with a simple regex search

Oracle Database 23ai: JSON-Relational Duality Views and the ORA-42647 error

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